luvtheheaven is moving to VioletEmeraldx!

Hey everybody! I have more blogging to do, but I’m starting fresh with a new username. Everywhere that you once saw me pop up online as “luvtheheaven” I’m trying to now be Violet Emerald or violetemerald or where the username was taken, violetemeraldx.

I wrote up an explanation at the end of my new blog’s “About the Blogger” page:

I had been known around the internet for over 16 years under the username “luvtheheaven”, occasionally with a number after it. I came up with the name when I was 14-years-old, which was a time when I was questioning my religious beliefs and simultaneously getting deeply into the TV series “7th Heaven”. The name had been a reference to “loving” the TV series. In the years since then, there are many reasons I am not super happy to be associated with my former username, although I believe I will never be entirely free of people who knew me by that name. I’m an atheist though who doesn’t believe in any form of an afterlife, and has been identifying as an atheist for over a decade now. I would like to distance myself from a name that has “heaven” in it for that reason, if nothing else. I plan to try to make the transition as smooth as possible for people who knew me before in whatever ways I can. I’m trying to keep the continuity of who I am, despite my name change.

I chose Violet Emerald as a name for a couple reasons. One main reason is because ace and aro colors are purple and green, and being aro & ace is such a huge part of my identity and life. I also chose the name because I’ve loved the name Violet as a potential psueodonym for myself for a very long time, probably since I fell in love with the A Series of Unfortunate Events books as a child, and the character of Violet resonated with me in many ways.

I didn’t want my old blog posts under my luvtheheaven blog name to break. So I decided to start a new blog with my new name, and leave all my old blog posts where they were associated with luvtheheaven.
I have years of blogging over there.

“violetemerald” was taken, as a URL, so this with the x at the end is the next best thing.

This blog will remain open for comments and will sit here mostly as it is, while I put my attention on my new blog and try to also get back into the swing of blogging. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Many thanks to my consistent blog readers and followers for sticking with me over the years, and thank you to the friends I’ve made in the ace blogging community (blogosphere!). I really hope you follow me over there to and indeed follow that blog.

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